Tuesday, March 20, 2012

TED Talk Tuesday: Brené Brown on Shame

Last Tuesday, I featured one of my favorite TED Talks by Brené Brown on vulnerability.  Three days ago, her follow-up TED Talk on shame posted online.  I really, really love this talk.  Maybe even more than her first one.

Shame is the root of so many issues, yet it's the dirty little secret that no one wants to talk about.  Ever.  Dr. Brown defines shame is the voice in our head that says, "you're not good enough," and "who do you think you are?"

Do yourself a favor and watch this talk.  Bookmark it if you don't have time right now.  It's powerful and so worth watching.


On another note, this post is my 100th post!  This blog has been such an amazing journey for me.  Whether this is the first time you've stopped by my blog, or the 100th, I just wanted to send a humungous THANK YOU to you for reading it.  It really does mean a lot to me.  I hope in some small way, it hopes to inspire your day!


  1. Wow.. mahalo for sharing. What a way to close your 100th post. Keep it up please. Gracias.

    1. I will! Thank you so much for the encouragement and for reading my blog!
